Thursday, June 25, 2009

25 June 2009

Posted by YaNa at 3:07 PM 0 comments

Hmm arini aku btol2 nk marah. Sakit hati sgt2... Blk dari Jengka ni aku dpt tau ade bdk ofis ni dh wt crite bkn2 psl aku. Fitnah aku plak. Dah la xselidik dulu. sesuke hati je mengate aku. Aku xde wt jahat pun kt bdk ni. Bdk ni actually baru je keje kt sini. Bdk sukarela. Aku xkenal pun die n die pun xkenal aku tp dh pandai bwk crite mcm2 psl aku kt kwn aku ni. Cam nk bagi aku ngan kwn aku ni bergaduh je. Bodoh btol die tu. Kalau ikutkan hati aku ni memang aku dah pergi lempang dah die. Tp aku xnk la sampai jd lg buruk. Aku hrp2 bdk tu xlame la keje kt sini. Nampak je muke die aku dh pns hati... Bodoh bodoh bodoh.....

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Monday, June 22, 2009

I'm Back...

Posted by YaNa at 2:06 PM 3 comments

Its been almost 2 weeks i'm not blogging. Miss so much...hehe... Actually i have to attend "Kursus Induksi Umum" for 10days. And today i have to attend ISO meeting until dis Wednesday. I'm so tired. But its work things. So, i have to do.

Ermm... Gi kursus aritu best sgt2. Tempat pun bagus, makan pun bagus, hostel pun bagus n all 1st class lah. Gi sebln pun xpe. haha... Kwn2 pun dr pelbagai jabatan. Sgt bagus dpt kenal ngan dieorg. Blh share pengalaman. My roomate mase kursus bdk Sabah tp die keje ngan KDN. Memg giler2 la die. Seronok... Dlm kursus tu byk sgt aku blajar benda2 yg sepatutnya diamalkan dlm kerja. Selama ni xtau sb xde sape yg nk ajar. hehe... Kt ofis aku ni..aku sorg je kewangan. 1st batch. So, blajar wt kewangan pun sendiri2, tgk buku n tanye2 org yg sblm ni wt keje kewangan kt sini. Tp dieorg bkn kewangan la.. Tp stakat ni alhamdulilah la berjalan ngan lancar kerja2 aku.

Aku ade keje nk wt ni. I'll continue next time. Daa~

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Monday, June 08, 2009

How To Overcome "Stress"

Posted by YaNa at 11:47 AM 0 comments

Stress is defined as an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures. When stress was first studied in the 1950s, the term was used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures. More recently, however, the word stressor has been used for the stimulus that provokes a stress response. One recurrent disagreement among researchers concerns the definition of stress in humans. Is it primarily an external response that can be measured by changes in glandular secretions, skin reactions, and other physical functions, or is it an internal interpretation of, or reaction to, a stressor; or is it both?


Stress in humans results from interactions between persons and their environment that are perceived as straining or exceeding their adaptive capacities and threatening their well-being. The element of perception indicates that human stress responses reflect differences in personality, as well as differences in physical strength or general health.


Risk factors for stress-related illnesses are a mix of personal, interpersonal, and social variables. These factors include lack or loss of control over one's physical environment, and lack or loss of social support networks. People who are dependent on others (e.g., children or the elderly) or who are socially disadvantaged (because of race, gender, educational level, or similar factors) are at greater risk of developing stress-related illnesses. Other risk factors include feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, extreme fear or anger, and cynicism or distrust of others.

To Overcome
  1. Exercise: Start doing exercise when you are under stress. This helps the body to excrete adrenaline and cortisol, which are released by adrenal glands. The secretion of these glands causes the feeling of stress. It also activates pituitary and hypothalamus glands which secrete “feel good” hormones called as Endorphins. These also have the capacity to reduce pains and improve the “well-being” sense.

  2. Meditation: Many meditation techniques will help you in stress relaxation; one of them is insight meditation. This is not done by emptying the mind or removing the stress from the mind, but distracts the mind from the stress and focuses mind on a task. Listening to religious speeches also relieves from stress.

  3. Aroma therapy: Bathing with luke warm water is also a good idea of relaxing. Adding aroma oils will relax you physically and mentally. Inhaling aroma fragrances, especially cinnamon and vanilla will relax many people. This will refresh the mind and body.

  4. Massage: It’s very helpful in stress relaxation process. It relives stress from the body in all forms. A massage technique provides deep relaxation and improves physiological process and improves mood mentally and physically.

  5. Sleeping: Sleep for a long time, the brain reboots in the time you are sleeping. A sound sleep of 8 hours will reduce stress for a large extent. Researches have proved that people who don’t sleep for 8 hours have problems such as less intellectual abilities, less patience levels and are preys of depressions and stress.

  6. Self Hypnosis: The positive aspect in hypnosis is that, it will make you strong from inner side to overcome stress and depressions. It controls your mind and develops a “well-being” and “feel-good” environment around you.

  7. Caffeine: Sit in a quiet and comfortable environment and enjoy your cup of coffee or tea. Caffeine present in these liquids works as a very good de-stresser. Caffeine releases ‘feel-good and well-being hormones. Even chocolates contain caffeine. So you can enjoy your sip of coffee or tea and a chocolate bite which can overcome stress. Note: Too much intake of caffeine leads to other problems. Do not take much caffeine, limit yourself.

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Lazy Weekend...Arrghhh... Merapu je

Posted by YaNa at 8:07 AM 0 comments

Last weekend memang aku mls tahap gaban. Xtau la nape. Asyik nk tido je..hehe... Aku blk kampung sbnrnye.. Mak aku asyik bising je kt aku sbb tido je. Ntah la, aku rase penat sgt2. Tp ari sabtu tu sempat la aku mengunjungi kedai utk membeli tudung. hehe... pasal berjalan aku jd rajin ler.. hehe... dpt gak aku beli tudung 2 helai. satu warna maroon n satu lg warna ungu. tudung tu aku beli sbb nk padankan ngan 2 psg baju aku yg memang xde tudung lg. kalau xbeli nt,aku xblh nk pakai la baju tu. jd baju baru selamanye la.. huhu...

Aku ingat arini nk gi beli sandle. Tp tgk la cmane. Kalau aku dh settle sume keje. Kalau x mls plak nk gi. Time rehat kene keje la.. hehe... Huh bln ni sbnrnye dh byk sgt aku bershopping. Memang dh kering bln ni. Nk tunggu gaji memang bercinta la.. Tp aku kene gi kursus 10hb ni sampai 19hb. So duit dh jimat sket sbb xpyh nk kuar utk mkn. Tp duit shopping aku bln ni la yg wt aku bankrap. hehe... Slh sendiri. Tanggung sendiri la..

So, selama lbh kurang 2 minggu la kau xdpt nk update blog aku ni. Kursus ni aku xtau la best ke x. Lame sgt kursusnye... Kalau byk aktvt ok la. hehe... Baju aku pun x pack lg ni. Tp aku dh wt check list utk barang2 yg perlu dibawa. Mlm ni aku kene kemas jgk sket2. Takut ade yg t'tinggal. hehe...

K lah, aku ade keje nk wt ni. Nt dh free sket aku update lg ok. Daa...

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Friday, June 05, 2009

To Do

Posted by YaNa at 10:20 AM 0 comments
My list :

  • Check overtime n tnt claim
  • Wat EP
  • Settle bills
  • List down barang ofis yg nk kene beli
  • Cari sebut harga
  • Cek elaun anggota

Sikit je kerja arini..hehehe....horayy... tp tu xt'masuk keje yg tibe2 muncul.

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Survey 4 Me

Posted by YaNa at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Now are u wearing...
Baju kurung la...time kerja.


What do you do a few minutes ago?
Working n blogging.

What do u love?
Luv ice cream..Mesti la Vanilla Cornetto. N choclate.

Sedap sgt...^_^

When start u love it?
When 1st time i tasted it

Ur handbag?
Carlo Rino n Elle.. Hmm dh lame xbeli handbag.

Things must in ur handbag
Hp charger
Keys...Mcm2 ade..

Compact powder
Lip balm

Ur song?
Wanita by Siti Nurhaliza. Wt mase ni la...ehehe

Ur colour?
I like peach,light blue n green.

Ur dreams?
I want to go to London and Aussie. Kalau dlm Malaysia nk gi Sabah n Sarawak. Coz xpernah sampai lg..hehe kesian saya kan.

Last person u talk to the phone.
My bf. ngee...

Are u married?
Nope. But in a relationship la.

He think u..
Dun know. X blh bace fikiran org. haha

U think he...
Love me so much. I love him so much too.. ^_^

In ur family...

U wish?
I wish all my dreams will come true. N my life can go better n better than now. ^_^

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Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Posted by YaNa at 4:52 PM 0 comments

Its been 2 weeks that i'm not update my blog. I'm so busy wif my work at office. Coz the auditor was came early in the morning today to audit my office ISO. N dis 2 week is really though for me. I need to settle all the ISO things and ianya tersgt2 lah byk... Dah la setiap hujung bulan n awl bulan memang byk keje. Nk siap benda2 nk audit lg n keje hakiki lg nk kene submit on time. Sampai bwk blk rumah keje aku. Tertekan ngan org yg terpaksa aku kerjasama la. Kalau wt sorg2, msti blh siap awlnye..hehe... Mujur sumenya dh berakhir. Nk online pun ssh sbb fkr keje byk yg xsiap.

Hmm mase kene audit td alhamdulillah part aku xde slh. Cume slh kt peringkat negeri sbb xbg aku resit terima wang panjar. LEGA... Kalau ade silap memang kene tegur ngan bos la. Satu hal plak kene ngan bos. Tp stakat aku keje ni xpernah lg la kene tegur ngan bos. hehe... Pekerja yg bagus la katekn.. Blm cemerlang ye...

K la...daa..

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