I'm really2 need highly motivated rite now... Aku perlu muhasabah diri n fikirkan ape yg telah berlaku kebelakangan ini. Aku xmahu serahkan takdir aku ditangan org lain. Aku perlu fikirkn ape yg aku mahu & adakah aku mampu lakukan.
A lot of things happened 2 me. Dis is not make me weak. I'm more strong than ever. Its maybe i'm going to being selfish rite now. Its important to me 4 make others understands n respect wut i want & wut i need.
Moreover,i want others respects me as the person who have "pendirian hidup". No ones can change it. Hmm now my relationship are going more stable n steady. We dont need others to interfere in. We're still loving couple. I'm just hope dis relationship more & more loving & caring until eternity.
I'm glad that my family & his family highly supports us. I'm happy 4 that. That means,i'm the chosen one to complete his family tree. And the tree will grow healthy and more healthy. I hope we can seeds the tree everydays and so that parasite cant be touch the tree.
Itu lebih elok dr m'harapkan impian @ harapan menggunung seperti "Pelangi" yg mungkin tiba selepas hujan & kemudian hilang apabila matahari kembali menyinar. Ini adalah kerana apabila hujan turun bkn la utk melenyapkan pokok tetapi menyuburkan tanah & akar pokok. Apabila matahari muncul,pokok akan segar & terus segar. Dan hanya la usaha kita utk menyemai & menjaga pokok utk terus membesar dengan Cinta & Kasih Sayang.
Aku sgt b'harap i cant motivate myself to be good person & always berada di bawah lindunganNya... Semoga pintu hatiku terbuka & aku dipeliharakan akhlak sebaik2nya.Supaya aku dpt bersabar,blh menempuhi segala dugaanNya & lebih kuat utk melindungi keluarga & apa yang telah diperolehi sebaiknya. Insyallah... Thats my pray. :)
p/s: 4 that women... i hope u will understand other girls feelings before u do something. Ketahui lah tiada perempuan yg suka apabila pasangannya cuba didekati oleh yg lain on purpose. Kau mungkin xtau apa yg difikirkan oleh other girls about u because not everyones knew u in dis world. So please respects others. And lastly, Stay away from us...
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Kemaafan yang terindah gittueww
5 years ago
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